Thursday, July 23, 2015

the test

They only meant to set the bar high –
our hopeful looks was soon replaced
with a grimace staring at numerous options
multiple hurdles and possible scenarios
that only confused the examinee
if you stare at it for too long or
try to think about it
even harder.

The night before I spent the remaining hours
of my free time packing my brain
with more words that no longer
made sense to me.
In the attempt to soothe my nerves
I was forbidden to open another book
or peek into my notes
or even go out for fresh air.
More than just repeating lines, I asked myself
why I was even doing this;
why did it matter?
Should I recall the name
and work of someone
I have never met?
Should I find them lurking
at the back of my head
trying to prove their points
when the odds are stacked
against me and things
don’t match up
as I expect?

That day when we walked of the rooms
wiping the sweat off our brows,
no one dared to call it
a piece of cake.

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